Tahmina Ajmal
University of Bedfordshire,
United Kingdom
Tahmina Ajmal has background in electronics, sensors, and data analytics. She completed her PhD from University of Essex and joined University of Bedfordshire in October 2010 as Lecturer in Engineering. She is actively involved in teaching, research, and enterprise activities. During this time, she has worked in various aspects of electronic engineering, but her focus has been on sustainable digital technology. The impact of her research can be seen through her interdisciplinary outputs including research publications in high quality journals and research collaborations across the world. She is also very keen to disseminate her research through talks, she has delivered many invited talks in UK, Europe and abroad. These collaborative activities have resulted in some consistent income generation and research outputs over the years. Now she is increasingly working with Social Sciences on topics of sustainable digital transformation for society and businesses. Her recent projects are in aquaculture and reducing food waste.
Research Interest
REAMIT - Improving Resource Efficiency of Agribusiness supply chains by Minimising waste using Big Data and Internet of Things sensors Interreg North-West Europe (2019- 2023) Role Co- I (PI in Business School) Aquaculture 4.0 -- Advancing Digital Precision Aquaculture in China (ADPAC) (March 2019 – February 2022) in collaboration withChelsea Technology Group, Perceptive Engineering Limited and University of Surrey. Role PI at University of Bedfordshire. Collaborating Investigators in Business School. RIVER- Non-Carbon River Boat Powered by Combustion Engines, Interreg North West Europe (Sept 2017- Sept 2020) Role- Co-I Implementing technology solution for sustainable development of artisanal fisheries in Santa Catarina - TAF; 100K; 18 months from April 2018 incollaboration with Business School Role: Co-I (PI in Business School) TECO Project Travel Grant (Nov 2018)- to work on low-cost portable water testing device in India.1 month; Nanofluor($ 100k) ABB research grant (June 2013-May 2016) -Feasibility Study for A Nanoantenna Array Enhanced Fluorescence Sensor For Water Monitoring – in collaboration with University of Bristol. Role PI Selex project (5K - 2015) – Feasibility study into design of an Optical Microphone. Luton Hoo water project – in collaboration with Science Department, Luton Airport, Luton Borough Council, Environment Agency and Luton Hoo (Elite Hotels group). Research students- Completed PhD Student: Modelling and Prediction of Surface Water Contamination using On-line Data