Arun K. Bhunia
Purdue University, USA
Prof. Bhunia has received his PhD from University of Wyoming and postdoctoral training from University of Arkansas. Currently, he is professor of food microbiology at Purdue University and the Chair of Microbiology Training Group of Purdue University interdisciplinary Life Sciences program (PULSe). His expertise is in the area of foodborne pathogen detection, pathogenesis, and probiotic vaccine. He has published 154 research articles, 2 text books (Fundamental Food Microbiology; Foodborne Microbial Pathogens), 3 edited books, and delivered over 115 talks in national and international venues. He holds 3 patents, and has received Purdue Agriculture Research Award, Purdue Faculty Scholar, Purdue Team Award, IFT R&D Award, Outstanding Graduate Educator Award, and the recipient of High-End Foreign Experts Recruitment Program (China) fellowship. He is also a member of the USDA National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF).
Abstract : Laser Optical Sensor for Rapid On-Plate Screening of Water and Food-borne Pathogens