Chris G Carter
University of Tasmania, Australia
Chris G Carter joined IMAS as Professor of Aquaculture Nutrition in 2009 after being Professor of Aquaculture at UTAS in Launceston since 2004. He was also the Aquaculture Program Leader for the Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute for 10 years. He is an international expert on feeding and nutrition physiology of aquatic ectotherms and his interests range from understanding growth to finding alternative proteins and oils for aquafeeds. He has supervised over 50 research and honours students and strongly believes research training is one of the most important roles of a University. He has been the Education Program Leader for two CRCs, served on the Graduate Board of Studies and is a recipient of the "Dean of Graduate Studies Research Award for a Significant Contribution to Graduate Research Supervision and Education". He is also acts as External Examiner for aquaculture courses at the University Putra Malaysia and University of Mauritius and is a member of the Editorial Board of Aquaculture Nutrition.